- Play: Click here
- Song Name: Taylor Made 11 - Lady Juicehandle and the Minty Butthole
- Artist: Taylor Made
- Year: 2012
A strange title for the new Harry Potter series I know, but bear with us.
After a brief hiatus we thought we'd bring it up the rear and, oh boy, are you in for a treat. We've brought it back hard and minty and right in the butthole! I fear this may not be our proudest episode due to the constant use of 'that' word, but we're sure you'll enjoy the results. We talk about Sam's hatred of the American viewing public, cockroaches on the world's most ghetto bouncy castle and a circumcision machine disguised as a trampoline. We also mention something important like Nagasaki but then swiftly move on to minty buttholes.
Keep it fresh. Keep it minty.
Talking points: minty buttholes, Zooey Deschanel, cockroaches, wassssuuuppp, Plato and vaccinations.