- Play: Click here
- Song Name: Taylor Made 12 - Louis Armstrong in a Favella
- Artist: Taylor Made
- Year: 2012
Oh my hasn't the time flown?! We're finally back after what could be described as an unprecedented break from our usual schedule. We have plenty of excus....I mean reasons why we haven't but you'll just have to take this podcast and our apology as enough.
This week we talked a lot about Counter-strike, Minecraft and also a little bit about how we probably should have gone into social care as children. That last part isn't true. Well, we did talk about it but I don't think we should have. Sam also manages to use the word 'favella' and then mispronounce 'canal'. A man of many talents.
Talking points: Counter-strike, Minecraft, Canada, social services, superpowers and HELLFIRE BREATH!